30 May 2011

Memorial Day

It may be easy for some to forget, actually I'm sure its easy for many to forget or not even know, but Memorial Day is a day to remember those who died in the line of duty during our nation's wars. With all the genealogy I've done in the past months, I only know one so far that fits this.
Private William C. Suggs
1st Mississippi Infantry, CSA
died Dec 1861 of typhoid fever
my great(3) granduncle

Found 2 more ancestors that died in the Civil War:

Private David G. Seachrest
Co C, 54th Indiana Infantry
died 25-Aug-1863,at St Louis, MO

Private Francis M Bourland
Co F, 120th Illinois Infantry
died 29-Dec-1863 at Memphis, TN

03 May 2011

Colors of the 5th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery

I posted a link to this on The Family Groit blog which has another version of the colors in a nicely cleaned up graphic.

01 May 2011

Sons & Daughters of United States Colored Troops

There is a African American Civil War Memorial in Washington, DC and it was dedicated in 1999. I was there, performing with the 257th Army Band. Today I learned that my great(3) grandfather's name is on it. Second Lieutenant Spencer J. Dyer served in the 5th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery. I didn't learn that till a few months ago and was elated to learn his name is on that memorial.
There is an organization, the Sons & Daughters of United States Colored Troops whose mission it is to honor the historical legacy of those who served in the United States Colored Troops(USCT) and to educate the public to the true role played by free blacks and slaves in the American Civil War of 1860-1865. I will join them to support that mission.